Monday, December 5, 2016

Fasting really helps you feel the Spirit stronger!

Ya' ta' hey!
This week has been pretty good! It seems like last Monday was forever ago, but at the same time the week went by sooo fast! Time in the mission is so weird! I can't believe I'm already at 8 months tomorrow!

Monday, we decorated our apartment! It looks fabulous! Our "tree" is super cool too! I'll send you a picture if I have time! Monday night we introduced the #Light the World Christmas campaign to the YSA branch and we made it a competition between the Family Home Evening groups as to who can light up Farmington the most with Christ's light! They got soooo excited! more excited then we thought they would be!

Tuesday we had a lesson with Daniel and we watched the "Light the World" video with him again, but went into greater detail and asked him how he "lights up" the world. He makes me laugh sooo much. He said something like: "I light up the world A-LOT! Most people don't like it when I flip on my lights though!" (He's a cop.) We busted up laughing, but then he was like..."no seriously though, that's how I light up the making people laugh"

Wednesday we had a lesson with Antonio, and wow, he is just so good! He read 5 more chapters in the Book of Mormon since the last time we saw him. He has also been praying to know if it's true! He keeps his commitments sooo well! He said something like: Well I figure I should do it...I don't want to let you guys down! I don't want to be wasting your time...and if you say that this is how I'm going to receive my answer then I better do it right!? Wow! #Golden!

Thursday we saw Riley again! We haven't seen him in a while, but that lesson with him went really well! We watched the Light the World video with him too and talked about it. He enjoyed it! Every lesson that I have with Riley is so good! I'm always leaving his lessons with a smile!

We also have a new less active that we are teaching. His name is Mike Austin and Wow, He is sooo cool! He has some great stories, but also a difficult past. He has sooo much potential and we hope that he will really work towards becoming active again because I really feel that he could be a spiritual Giant! He actually came to the activity on Monday too!

Friday we had our last lesson with Nate :( He went to the Navy today! Friday we were also able to go to a baptism for 8th Ward that was really good!

Saturday we were able to participate in the mini Mission Training Center that they had here all day! We got to be companions with some of the Laurals that came and show them how it's done! The ones I was with really enjoyed it and said it was one of the best decisions they've made! We left the mini MTC just a little early to go to the luminary event (which was supposed to be a finding technique accept no one invited their friends like we had planned for) It was still cool though. We got to know the significance behind it. It is a Spanish celebration that happens around Christmas, the lights signifying the light of Christ or something like that. 

We were able to see Christopher (finally!) to set up an apt. with him. We will be having a lesson with him tonight!

Sunday was sooo good! I have to tell you! I just love fasting! Y'all might think I'm crazy for it, but I seriously love it! Every time I fast I feel the spirit so much stronger than I otherwise do! I don't like the feeling of not having food in my stomach, but I much prefer to feel the spirit anyway! We got to see Thomeson who stayed for all 3 hours of church again!!! Ever since he's been coming for all 3 hours, he's opened up a lot more!
We also got to see the Christmas Devotional!!!! Wow, it was sooo good!

Love ya!

Sister Ford and I got scarves from Sister Gardner.


Our Christmas Tree!
Our decorations.

 A late thanksgiving feast with 8th ward sisters! 

Mini Mission Training Center me with a couple Laurels that were my companions.

The luminary event

Nates last Sunday he is going into the Navy.

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